I have been practicing as a Registered Masters-trained Social Worker for 19 years. My training and experience has led me to specialize in addressing adjustment challenges with a focus on postpartum, perimenopause and other times of major life changes (and accompanying hormonal changes!). Changes in women's bodies, lifestyles, roles and identities can (re)ignite difficulties with anxiety, mood, stress and self-esteem. While the old adage states: "It will get better in time" - I say: What about the meantime? I offer counselling for the "meantime" - the uncomfortable, unpredictable place between how/who you were and how/who you are becoming.

In addition to Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Social Work degrees, I have completed additional training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). I am currently working on the Self-Reg Foundations Certificate through The Mehrit Centre.

To remain current in best practices, I regularly work as a Teaching Assistant in Bachelor and Master of Social Work university courses.

While my training informs my practice, my experience has shown me that being present, listening without judgement and creating a safe space is always important in the therapeutic process. I look forward to meeting you and walking with you during this dark time.

Meet Erin Brown 




Bachelor of Social Work

Laurentian University

Stress Reduction

Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn

Behavioral Therapy

Dr. Anita Federici

Self-Reg Foundations

The Mehrit Centre

Critical Incident Stress Management 

Ontario Correctional Services College 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Traditional Family Parenting

Elder Janet Fox

Traumatic Event Systems Training

North American Centre for Threat Assessment and Trauma Response

Supervision in
Human Services

The Hincks-Dellcrest Centre

Postpartum Support
International & Mom 2020

Maternal Mental Health Certificate (in progress)

Carleton University

Master of Social Work

Supporting Parents When Parents Experience Mental Health Challenges

Peterborough Public Health

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